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On a Septic Tank Truck sign: "We're #1 in the #2 business." Sign over a Gynaecologist's Office: At a Proctologist's door: On a Plumber's truck: On a New York convalescent home: On a Plumber's truck: Pizza Shop Slogan: At a truck stop:"Eat here and get gas" In a Florida maternity ward :"No Children Allowed" On the wall of a Baltimore estate: In a funeral parlor :"Ask about our layaway plan" On a Tennessee highway: In the window of a Kentucky appliance store: Outside a country shop: Sign at the psychics
Hotline: At A Laundry Shop: "How about we refund your money, send you a new one at no charge, close the store and have the manager shot. Would that be satisfactory?" Billboard on the side of the
road: Outside a Hotel: On a desk in a reception
room: On the door of a Computer
Store: Inside a Bowling Alley: At a Tire Shop in Milwaukee: On a Plastic Surgeon's Office door: At a Towing company: On an Electrician's truck: In a Non-smoking Area: On a Maternity Room door: In a Podiatrist's office: At a Car Dealership: Outside a Muffler Shop: In a Veterinarian's waiting room: At the Electric Company: In a Restaurant window: In the front yard of a Funeral Home: And don't forget the sign at a Chicago Radiator Shop: On a Taxidermist's window: At an Optometrist's Office Tongue twister If a bra is an upper topper titty flopper stopper, and a jock strap is a lower decker pecker checker, and a roll of toilet tissue is a super duper doody pooper scooper, what do you call a Japanese drummer boy whose father has diarrhea?
Hottentotten-Tanz Hätten Hottentotten Tüten Würden Löwen tragen Brillen strickend stieren sture Stiere schaffen am Schafott die Schlächter Rangen fangen schlanke Schlangen schnaufend streicheln scheue Schnecken Schall des Falles eines Balles: grantig tanzen Elefanten angebrannte Elefanten kleine Eimer fein zu leimen kühne Kühe küssen kühler Schweinen, scheinbar weinend, reinlich über Rasen rasen Hasen Weil die Paten um den Braten baten, Eine riesige Sammlung von Zungenbrechern (tongue twisters) in vielen Sprachen |