TIMBUKTU  -  Poetry Contest

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The finals of the National Poetry Contest last year came down to two finalists.  One was a University of Alabama Law School graduate from an upper crust family; well-bred,  well-connected, and all that goes with it.  The other finalist was a redneck from Auburn University in Alabama.

The rules of the contest required each finalist to compose a four line poem in one minute or less, and the poem had to contain the word "Timbuktu."

The Duke graduate went first.  About thirty seconds after the clock started he jumped up and recited the following poem:

"Slowly across the desert sand
Trekked the dusty caravan.
Men on camels, two by two

The audience went wild!  How they wondered could the redneck top that?

The clock started again and the redneck sat in silent thought. Finally, in the last few seconds, he jumped up and recited:

"Tim and me, a-huntin' went.
Met three whores in a pop-up tent.
They was three, we was two,
So I bucked one and Timbuktu."

Ein Geistlicher und ein australischer Schafhirte treten bei einem Quiz gegeneinander an. Nach Ablauf der regularen Fragerunde steht es unentschieden, und der Moderator der Sendung stellt die Stichfrage, die da lautet:

Schaffen Sie es, innerhalb von 5 Minuten einen Vers auf das Wort "Timbuktu" zu reimen?

Die beiden Kandidaten ziehen sich zuruck. Nach 5 Minuten tritt der Geistliche vor das Publikum und stellt sein Werk vor:

"I was a father all my life,
I had no children, had no wife,
I read the bible through and through
on my way to Timbuktu..."

Das Publikum ist begeistert und wähnt den Kirchenmann bereits als den sicheren Sieger. Doch da tritt der australische Schafhirte vor und dichtet:

"When Tim and I to Brisbane went,
we met three ladies cheap to rent.
They were three and we were two,
so I booked one an Tim booked two..."